Why don't INTJs rule the world?


Why don’t INTJs rule the world?

For the very reason that most people end up telling the INTJ “you were right” after they ignored their advice, because they just had to try it their way first. The other types are able to figure things out by using their hands, tearing things apart, examine all the pieces, and putting them back together. It’s the tearing things apart that we INTJs can do in our heads that most people can’t, so they simply don’t believe that we could possibly know by studying it, thinking it through. Most ask “but how do you know?” because they can’t, themselves, conceptualize it like the INTJ, and therefore ignore them.

INTJs as leaders wouldn’t be liked, because we would implement models and rules that would be efficient and fair, but not popular. People don’t like other people telling them what to do, even if it’s for their own good.

I imagine an INTJ in charge would be like all those poor scientists proving that climate change is real, and having people just dismiss all the science and research, because, they think it’s a ‘hoax’. Try as they may to be in charge, all the other MBTI types would just wander off and build their own world, similar to the one that we have now ; )